
Suppliers' News

Novus Launches New Interactive Web site

The new web site features a list, by species, of valuable programs offered to current, potential and future customers
March 20, 2008

Novus Launches New Interactive Web site

Novus International Inc. launched a new version of their global web site, The site is designed as a content-rich, database driven, web environment with market specific technical and product information that positively reflects the image of Novus to the world.

“When you visit a particular species page on our new site, the content is entirely geared towards that specific business unit within Novus,” explained Tricia Beal, Director of Global Communications. “This allows our current and future customers to quickly search the site for content relevant to their particular industry.”

Through a complete rebuild of the former static Novus web site, the content within the new site is driven from a central database. This allows the site to be infinitely and quickly scalable for future growth. Most importantly, up-to-date, relevant content is delivered based on user interest. Users may currently view technical resources pertaining to Novus’s products and species, a video on the Novus International Research Center, a flash driven timeline and hundreds of beef, pork, poultry, dairy, and fish recipes.

Another unique feature of the site is descriptive Novus Program information based by species. The new web site features a list, by species, of valuable programs offered to current, potential and future customers. “The information we provide to the public is a key element for Novus,” stated Giovanni Gasperoni, Executive Vice President Marketing and Sales. “We are constantly improving the ways we communicate, contribute to and improve animal health and nutrition throughout our industry and wish to share this information with our partners.”

It is anticipated that the new site will be in state of constant evolution.  The next major phases of development include the incorporation of different languages. The first phase of language additions will include: Mandarin Chinese, Portuguese, Spanish, French, and German. Plans are also in motion to include real-time industry newsfeeds and wiki’s.

The Novus website aquaculture page can be found here.