
Commodity news

Peru cancels first anchovy season

The Peruvian Ministry of Production said the resource in the North-Central region will be reassessed in two-three weeks depending on the oceanographic conditions.

standard_Produce anuncia que no dará inicio a la primera temporada de anchoveta en la zona Norte-Centro
Raúl Pérez Reyes, Ministry of Production, Peru

After analyzing the recommendations of the Peruvian Sea Institute (Imarpe), the Peruvian Ministry of Production (Produce), Raúl Pérez Reyes, announced the cancellation of the first anchovy fishing season in the North-Center region. Last week, a preliminary quota was set at 1.091 million tons, significantly below the 2022 quota of 2.79 million tons.

After the exploratory fishing carried out from June 3-7, Imarpe concluded that there are no biological conditions for the extractive activities. The Imarpe analysis found that the sizes observed in the landings of the first three days of exploratory fishing present a range between 7.0 and 15.0 cm TL. Similarly, the incidence of juveniles reached 86.3% in number of individuals and 77% in weight.

The resource will be reassessed in two to three weeks. “We are going to see the evolution of the Kelvin waves and based on this and the Pacific cyclone, in addition to the winds, we will evaluate another exploratory fishing to see how the resource is,” the ministry said.

Produce will dialogue with the fishing industrial sector to evaluate measures that allow it to cope with the impact on employment and income due to the non-start of the fishing season.