
Commodity news

Peru's second anchovy season authorized

A quota of 1.682 million tons has been authorized, 26% below the 2022 quota (2.283 million tons).

Credits: Produce

The Peruvian Ministry of Production (Produce) authorized the start of the second anchovy fishing season in the north-central area on October 26, 2023, with a quota of 1.682 million tons. The quota is 26% below the 2022 quota (2.283 million tons).

“This quota guarantees that activities remain within the recommended sustainability limits. It is estimated that at the end of the season, more than five million tons of spawning anchovy will remain, which will keep the population within the margins recommended by the Peruvian Sea Institute (Imarpe) to guarantee its sustainability,” Produce said in a statement.

Imarpe observed a biomass of anchovy of 7.18 million tons, which represents 7.8% more than the average of winter-spring observations between 1996 and 2022. During the fishing season, measures will be taken to guarantee the conservation of juvenile anchovy. Produce may implement temporal and spatial closures in fishing areas.