
Price Reports

FAO GLOBEFISH Price Dashboard

GLOBEFISH Price Dashboard takes the prices GLOBEFISH monitors for fisheries and aquaculture products in Europe and presents this information in a powerful and user-friendly interface

FAO GLOBEFISH Price Dashboard

GLOBEFISH, a multi-donor funded project within the FAO Fisheries Division responsible for providing up-to-date trade and market on fish and fishery products, unveiled a new information product, the GLOBEFISH Price Dashboard, that takes the prices GLOBEFISH monitors for fisheries and aquaculture products in Europe and presents this information in a powerful and user-friendly interface. It provides a dynamic tool in facing the challenges of monitoring real-time data and making information accessible to end-users.

In the GLOBEFISH Price Dashboard, prices are automatically drawn from various sources along the value chain into a central database and updated once a week. The operational features of the GLOBEFISH Price Dashboards support the dissemination of the most up-to-date prices available. The interface of the GLOBEFISH Price Dashboard allows users to browse prices and analyze trends, as well as search or filter prices according to species, scientific name, species grouping, product presentation or treatment, among other elements.

Check out the new tool here.