
Event News

1st Call For Papers - Sea Lice 2010 – 8th International Sea Lice Conference - Victoria, BC, Canada

May 9 – 12, 2010 - Victoria, BC, Canada

Sea Lice 2010 – 8th International Sea Lice Conference

May 9 – 12, 2010 - Victoria, BC, Canada 

1st Call For Papers


All researchers and those working with sea lice are invited to submit an abstract for oral or poster presentation.  Sea Lice 2010 is dedicated to maintaining objectivity, having a focus on scientific issues, striving for a consensus view on the status of current sea lice research, and providing recommendations on future research. Submitted abstracts will undergo rigid peer review by a Scientific Review Committee prior to acceptance for the program. 


Abstract submission deadline - January 8, 2010


There has been an evolution of topics since the first conference in Paris 1992, where sea lice biology and chemotherapy dominated. Currently fish/environmental interactions, mathematical modeling and molecular genetics are dominant themes.   Papers featuring Caligid copepods, and Lepeophtheirus salmonis, Caligus spp. and non-Caligid parasitic copepods and Branchiura (e.g., Lernaea, Ergasilus and Argulus) as well as papers on specific life stages or methods of study such as mathematical modeling and molecular techniques are also invited.


Abstract submission information:  

1st Call for Papers printable version with more detail is attached.


Important Upcoming Dates:

October 2nd - Student Bursary Application Deadline  

October 30th  – Early Registration Deadline


For all conference information visit


For sponsorship opportunities contact Linda Hiemstra, Conference Manager

Cell: 1-250-751-4862, Email:, Website: