
Event News

1st International Feed Technology Congress at the VICTAM Exhibition

Wageningen University supported by the VICTAM Foundation will host the 1st International Feed Technology Congress from June 12-13 in Cologne, Germany, during VICTAM International exhibition 2019.

Wageningen University supported by the VICTAM Foundation will host the 1st International Feed Technology Congress from June 12-13 in Cologne, Germany, during VICTAM International exhibition 2019. Registrations are now open and the Scientific Committee invites you to submit your contributions (deadline 15 April 2019). Contributions can be in the form of full presentations (30 min), short communications (10 min) or posters.

Scientific contributions will be published (after peer review) as full papers or expanded abstracts in a special issue of the journal Animal Feed Science & Technology.

The Congress will see thematic presentations by International speakers as well as oral and poster presentations. The three themes are:

  • Valorization of raw materials by technology (Keynote speaker: Prof. Jürgen Zentek, Berlin University, Germany)
  • Process developments (Keynote speaker: Dr Menno Thomas, Wageningen University, The Netherlands)
  • Interaction between feed formulation and technology (Keynote speaker: Prof. Hans Stein, University of Illinois, USA)

More information here