
Event News

25th anniversary of the Latin American & Caribbean Aquaculture

LACQUA will hold a special event to celebrate the 25th anniversary of the Latin American and Caribbean Chapter of the World Aquaculture Society.

Latin American & Caribbean Aquaculture 2019 - LACQUA19 will be held within the framework of the celebration of the 25th anniversary of the Latin American and Caribbean Chapter of the World Aquaculture Society and a special event is being prepared with two confirmed special guests.

Enric Gisbert Casas is a specialist in fish nutrition and physiology, responsible for the Aquaculture Program of the Agrifood Research and Technology Institute (IRTA) in Spain.  He has published numerous scientific articles and has collaborated in researchprojects in Europe, America and Asia.  He is coordinator of the Cyted  LARVAplus  Network  (Strategies  for development  and  improvement  of  fish  larvae  production in  Ibero-America),  made  up  of  researchers  from  19 universities  and  research  centers,  plus  9  companies,  belonging  to  Ibero-American countries, including three countries of Central America and the Caribbean.   

Dr.  Luís E. C. Conceição, an expert in fish nutrition and metabolism, has published a large number of scientific articles and collaborates in a large number of projects, including projects in Latin America. He has a master\'s and doctorate in aquaculture from the University of Wageningen in the Netherlands. For several years he has been head of research and development at SPAROS, a spin-off company of the Center for Marine Sciences of the University of Algarve, Portugal, which is dedicated to innovation for the development of new products, technologies and processes for the feeding of fish. Coordinator of several national projects and the EC-FP6 SEACASE project. Vice President of COST Action Larvanet.

Theoretical - Practical Course on Pathologies in Shrimp Cultivation

Together with the LACQUA19, Theoretical - Practical Course on Pathologies in Shrimp Cultivation will be held from November 18-19 at the National University Omar Dengo Heredia campus. The topics to be discussed will be diseases in farmed shrimp, diagnostic techniques, clinical signs of disease, practice in sampling and biosecurity strategies. The course will be dictated by Dr. Luis Fernando Aranguren Caro who has more than 20 years of professional experience working in aquaculture health in shrimp and marine fish and who will focus on three areas:  diagnosis, health management and biosecurity.  More information about this workshop here.

Call for abstracts submission

LACQUA19 has open its call for abstracts submission on various related topics with the most important species in Central America and in countries of the LACC area, with special focus on tilapia, trout, native fish and shrimp and others topics such as production systems, sustainable aquaculture, health and diseases, physiology and  genetics, nutrition and food, processing and economics, and socio-economics of aquaculture.  Oral presentations, posters and abstracts may be made in Spanish, Portuguese or English. The abstracts submission deadline is September 1. More information here.

For more information, contact Carolina Amézquita,