Organizers of the Coolwater & Mid-Continent Warmwater Fish Culture Workshop have released a 2nd Call for Papers.
The Iowa Department of Natural Resources is jointly hosting the Coolwater and Mid-Continent Warmwater Fish Culture Workshops in Council Bluffs, IA on February 4-6, 2019. This important workshop provides practicing fish culturists, researchers, and service and product suppliers an opportunity to network and discuss current trends in aquaculture.
There is still room on the agenda so please consider presenting to the group in one of two lengths of time slots:
1. 20-minute time slot - 16-minute presentation; 4 minutes for questions and answers.
2. 10-minute time slot - 7-minute presentation; 3 minutes for questions and answers. We intend for these 10-minute presentations to be used for specifically for product reviews, hatchery techniques, or custom-built pieces of hatchery equipment. The intent is to pass along firsthand knowledge of a product, technique, or custom-built equipment to make the jobs of other hatchery employees easier. There is no need for anyone to start from scratch or reinvent the wheel when others have already done the work, right? Examples of 10-minute presentations that Iowa DNR staff plan to give are: product – Arvotek feeders; hatchery technique – use of peracetic acid for tank cleaning; custom-built equipment – low cost feeder timer. When thinking about developing this type of talk, each presentation should incorporate the following areas: what problem were you trying to solve, what solution did you develop, was your solution successful, and what was the cost? These talks are intended to be given by “boots on the ground staff” who have actual experience using the product, performing the technique, or building/using custom equipment.
Friday, January 4, 2019 is the last day to receive early bird registration and the special room rate for lodging, and is also the due date for presentation forms.