
Event News

7th European Algae Industry Summit

ACI will hold the 7th European Algae Industry Summit Conference (formerly \"European Algae Biomass\") on April 26th and 27th, 2017 in Nice, France. The event will bring together senior executives from industry and academia to discuss the latest commercial and technical developments, challenges and research breakthroughs throughout the entire algae value chain.

ACI will hold the 7th European Algae Industry Summit Conference (formerly \"European Algae Biomass\") on April 26th and 27th, 2017 in Nice, France.

The event will  bring together senior executives from industry and academia to discuss the latest commercial and technical developments, challenges and research breakthroughs throughout the entire algae value chain.

The conference session \"Microalgae in Chemicals, Commodity & Speciality Feeds\" will focus on:

  • Bridging the gap towards commercialization - replacing fish feeds with microalgae.
  • An overview of the current situation and future trend prospects
    Innovations in specialty feeds for aquaculture and aquariums.
