
Event News

A new home for Victam events in Asia for 2012

FIAAP, Victam & GRAPAS Asia will return to Bangkok in February 2012, but not to the old venue: FIAAP, Victam & GRAPAS Asia 2012 will be held at the Bangkok International Trade Exhibition Centre (BITEC) from 15 – 17 February 2012

A new home for Victam events in Asia for 2012

FIAAP, Victam & GRAPAS Asia will return to Bangkok in February 2012, but not to the old venue! After careful consideration and consultation it has been decided that FIAAP, Victam & GRAPAS Asia 2012 will be held at the Bangkok International Trade Exhibition Centre (BITEC) from 15 – 17 February 2012.

BITEC will offer our exhibitors, visitors and conference delegates superior and more modern facilities than the old venue. The exhibition halls will accommodate all of our event’s requirements and there are no supporting pillars within the halls interrupting traffic flow etc.

This new venue in between downtown Bangkok and the new international airport has its own Skytrain station at Bang Na and will be linked to the exhibition halls by an air-conditioned walkway. The air-conditioned trains are frequent and one can travel direct from Sukhumvit in downtown Bangkok to BITEC in less than fifteen minutes and for just a few Baht.

The last Asian event was held in 2010 and quality was the word that was being used to describe the event – the type and number of visitors, the conference delegates, the exhibits at the trade shows and the series of technical conferences. All were of high quality.

The number of visitors remained high, almost 6000, and the percentage of non-Thai visitors continues to increase totalling almost 40%. This 40% represents visitors from a staggering 65 countries! These figures emphasize the importance of the event to the industry and how senior executives are prepared to spend the time, money and travel in order to attend these exhibitions and technical conferences.

The 2012 event will have a similar format to that of the successful 2010 show; there will be FIAAP (feed ingredients), Victam (feed processing & biomass technology) & GRAPAS (rice milling & grain processing) exhibitors.

Again there will be specific technical conferences on Aquafeed, Feed Ingredients, Petfood, Biomass Technology, Grain Processing and the Thai Feed Conference.

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