
Event News

AlgaEurope 2017 call for abstracts

The Scientific Committee of AlgaEurope is calling for the submission of abstracts for the 2017 conference. Organizers are encouraging in particular stakeholders from the industry to submit abstracts on recent developments. Abstracts that cover one of the ten thematic tracks determined by the Scientific Committee are also encouraged.

The Scientific Committee of AlgaEurope is calling for the submission of abstracts for the 2017 conference.

The AlgaEurope 2017 Organizers are encouraging in particular stakeholders from the industry to submit abstracts on recent developments. These will be evaluated taking into consideration the needs of the industry to accelerate market deployment. 

Abstracts that cover one of the following thematic tracks determined by the Scientific Committee are also encouraged:


  1. Research and industrial applications worldwide: the global experience
  2. Science innovation potential in Europe
  3. Genetically improved and GMO algae for high value products and commodities
  4. Innovative processes for high value products
  5. Breakout to commercialization: ‘Algae Cluster’ and other ‘Lighthouse’ projects
  6. Value chains in commercialization: EU biorefinery and added-value products
  7. Macro-algae
  8. Novel foods and animal feed
  9. Algae cultivation: from laboratory to commercial plants and marketing in Europe
  10. Wastewater treatment and use, and water recycling

Registration for the Conference is mandatory for those wishing to submit scientific contributions. Deadline to submit is September 15th 2017. 
