
Event News

Alternative Ingredients in Finfish Aquaculture Short Course - October 18-22, 2010

At Northern Crops Institute, Fargo, ND, South Dakota State University, Brookings, SD and USDA-ARS North Central Agricultural Research Laboratory (NCARL), Brookings, SD

Alternative Ingredients in Finfish Aquaculture Short Course - October 18-22, 2010

At Northern Crops Institute, Fargo, ND, South Dakota State University, Brookings, SD and USDA-ARS North Central Agricultural Research Laboratory (NCARL), Brookings, SD

Registration deadline is September 27, 2010.

Why should you attend?

This five day intensive education program will provide the most recent information on use of alternative ingredients in feeds for finfish. Lectures will be supplemented by hands-on experiences in NCI’s Feed and Extrusion Centers, Analytical Laboratory for texture and sensory evaluations, and site visits.  Days 1-3 will be in Fargo, ND.  The group will travel to Brookings, SD for days 4 & 5, and then return to Fargo.

Course Goals:

  • Provide information on using alternative protein and energy feedstuffs, such as DDGS and other grain and oilseed co-products in aquaculture feeds.
  • Provide background on feed processing and demonstrate production using extrusion and pelleting.
  • Demonstrate texture and sensory evaluation of fillets from fish fed diets containing alternative ingredients.
  • Visit regional facilities

Who should attend?

Aqua Nutritionists, Facility owners/managers, Aqua Feed Production Facilities, Aqua Health Professional, Aqua Researchers(industry/education), Aqua Technicians

Program Schedule:

Monday, October 18

Nutritional challenges of Alternative Ingredients for warm water species

Use of Alternative Ingredients for warm water species

Pelleting demonstration

Tuesday, October 19

Nutritional challenges of Alternative Ingredients for cold water species

Use of Alternative Ingredients for cold water species

Extrusion processing demonstration

Wednesday, October 20

Alternative ingredients and fillet characteristics

Quality analysis – experiments/demonstrations


                 Pre-cooked: fresh – frozen

                 Cooked (fried): fresh - frozen


                 Pre-cooked: fresh – frozen

                 Cooked (fried): fresh – frozen

         Sensory panel demonstration

                 Cooked (fried): fresh - frozen

                 Travel to Brookings, SD in the afternoon

Thursday, October 21

Mike Brown, South Dakota State University

Kurt Rosentrater, USDA-ARS NCARL

Friday, October 22

Site visits at production and processing facilities

Course Faculty

Mike Brown, Ph.D.

South Dakota State University

Konrad Dabrowski, Ph.D.

The Ohio State University

Donald (Allen) Davis, Ph.D.

Auburn University

Kurt Johnsen

NCI Feed Center

Kim Koch, Ph.D.

NCI Feed Center

Rilie Morgan

Northern Crops Institute

Kurt Rosentrater, Ph.D.


Jesse Truschinski, Ph.D.

Southern Illinois University

Mehmet Tulbek, Ph.D.

Northern Crops Institute


Registration Fee: $1,100. Payment in full is due before the start of the course. Registration deadline is September 27, 2010. Course fee includes written materials associated with lectures and laboratory demonstrations, and scheduled refreshment breaks. Hotel rooms and other meals are not included in registration fee. 

To pay by credit card or with an electronic check,
click here

To pay by check, fill out the form and mail with your check to Northern Crops Institute (address below).  Checks must be payable to Northern Crops Institute and drawn on a U.S. bank. 

To pay by wire transfer, contact NCI for wire transfer instructions.

Groups of three or more: Special rates are available to groups of 3 or more from the same company. Contact NCI for more information.

:  Cancellations received after September 27, 2010 will be assessed a 10% service fee.

Course Schedule:  On the first day of class, course participants should be in the hotel lobby by 8:00 a.m. for transportation to the campus. Class will begin at 8:30 a.m. on Monday, October 18 and adjourn at 4:30 p.m. on Friday, October 22

Non-smoking environment.   Casual business attire.

Daily Transportation: 
Daily complimentary transportation will be provided between NCI and the hotel.

Hotel Information:
Holiday Inn, I-29 and 13th Avenue South, Fargo, North Dakota 58103.  Phone: 701-282-2700.  Fax: 701-241-1240. Single Room Rate: $ 89.95 + 9.5% tax/night.  All hotel rooms are non-smoking. Make your reservation directly with the hotel and mention that you are with Northern Crops Institute in order to obtain the special rate. Reservations must be received by the hotel by September 27, 2010 to qualify for the special rate.

Information and Special Requirements:  If you have questions or special needs (dietary or physical requirements), please contact Northern Crops Institute.

Mailing Address:
Northern Crops Institute
NDSU Dept. 7400
PO Box 6050
Fargo, ND 58108-6050  USA. 

Phone:  701-231-7736    Fax:  701-231-7235. 

E-mail:   Internet:

About Northern Crops Institute
Northern Crops Institute is the international center for meeting and learning about crops produced in the four-state region of North Dakota, South Dakota, Minnesota and Montana. Situated on the campus of North Dakota State University, NCI exists as a forum to bring together customers, commodity traders, technical experts, processors and producers from all points of the globe for discussion, education, and technical service programs. Since 1983, the Institute has hosted visitors from more than 127 countries.