
Event News

APA 2017 announces plenary speaker and extends deadline for abstract submission

Asian-Pacific Aquaculture 2017 has announced the plenary speaker for this year’s conference. The session will start with the address by Mr. Herve Lucien-Brun, Aquaculture & Qualite, France. He will present on “Marketing farmed seafood from Asia to global markets”, which is linked to the theme of APA 17, ‘Transforming for market needs’. Conference organizers have also announced that the deadline for abstract submission has been extended to March 1, 2017.

Asian-Pacific Aquaculture 2017 has announced the plenary speaker for this year’s conference. The session will start with the address by Mr. Herve Lucien-Brun, Aquaculture & Qualite, France. He will present on “Marketing farmed seafood from Asia to global markets”, which is linked to the theme of APA 17, ‘Transforming for market needs’.  

“In a lot of cases, producers in Asia do not have clear idea of what the demand is and do not plan production to meet demand at that time,” said Lucien-Brun. “Knowing the markets is indispensable for those farms wishing to optimize their margin. The real profit is to know and analyze carefully destination markets.  This would permit farms to supply products which will meet exactly the demand.”

“On the other hand, consumers do not easily change their eating habits. The introduction of a new species to a market is always a very hazardous project.  The producers must be prudent with the miraculous new species, for example, during the early 2000\'s, the farmed cobia.”

Lucien-Brun is an independent consultant based in France. He has more than 30 years’ experience in tropical marine shrimp and finfish aquaculture in major producing countries in Latin America, North Africa, Europe and Asia, as well as New Caledonia, Madagascar, Mozambique, Tanzania, and Saudi Arabia.

Conference organizers have also announced that the deadline for abstract submission has been extended to March 1, 2017.
