
Event News

APA18 Call for Papers

Asian-Pacific Aquaculture 2018, scheduled to be held in Taipei on April 23-26, will feature sessions on many topics, including aqua feeds, nutrition, alternative ingredients, seaweeds and live feed. Event organizers have released a call for papers for the conference. Abstracts are due January 31, 2018.
November 2, 2017

Asian-Pacific Aquaculture 2018, scheduled to be held in Taipei on April 23-26, has released a call for papers for the conference.

Authors are strongly encouraged to consider poster presentations as poster sessions are an integral part of the program. Papers submitted for “oral presentation only” may not be accepted as oral presentations due to the limited number of available time slots. All abstracts must be in English - the official language of the conference.

Each oral presenter shall be entitled to no more than 15 minutes for a presentation, plus 5 minutes for questions. Authors of studies involving proprietary products or formulations should present this information in workshops or the trade show. Oral presentations should use Power Point. Overhead and slide projectors and video players will not be available or allowed.

The conference will include three days of topics-based parallel sessions on the following topics: 

  • Grouper
  • Ornamentals
  • Seaweeds and Live feed
  • Fish Culture: Freshwater
  • Mollusks
  • Crustaceans
  • Ecology & Environment
  • Production systems
  • Poly culture (IMTA) & Aquaponics
  • Food safety
  • Aquatic Animal Health
  • Shrimp Health & Disease
  • Aqua-feeds
  • Alternative Ingredients 
  • Other topics


The deadline to submit an abstract is January 31, 2018.   
