
Event News

Apply for fish nutrition courses - Egypt

The World Fish-run Africa Aquaculture Research and Training Center offers two fish nutrition courses. Fish nutrition and feed preparation and Fish nutrition (fish feeds and feeding strategies) will be held at the center on November 5 and December 5, respectively.

The World Fish-run Africa Aquaculture Research and Training Center offers training courses to investors, farmers, government officials, students, faculty members and other people interested in aquaculture production and business activities. General and specialized courses are conducted throughout the year including two fish nutrition courses.


Fish nutrition and feed preparation.

Targeted attendants are:

  • Fish farm workers.
  • Fish hatchery workers.
  • Candidates for new fishery projects.
  • University staff and research centers.
  • Extension workers.

Training content:

  • Make optimal use of plant waste in fish feeding to ensure that the environment is cleared of this waste and converted into a feed material of nutritional value for the fish.
  • Understand how to manufacture feed and measure its quality.
  • Understand stability of pellet fish feed in water.

This course will be held on November 5.


Fish nutrition (fish feeds and feeding strategies)

Targeted attendants are:

  • Fish farm workers.
  • Fish hatchery workers.
  • Candidates for new fishery projects.
  • University staff and research centers.

The attendants will receive up-to-date information on fish nutrition and feeding strategies to optimize yield, increase profit and minimize the impact of fish farming on the surrounding environment.

This course will be held on December 5.


Training methods will be hands-on trainings and workshops in English. For more information contact Doaa Fawzy,  or visit Abbassa training plan 2019.