
Event News

Apply for SPAROS prize for aquaculture nutrition research students

SPAROS will award applicants with the highest score airfare, lodging and conference registration fees to attend Aquaculture Europe 2022 in Rimini, Italy. 

Apply for SPAROS prize for aquaculture nutrition research students

In September, SPAROS launched the 2nd edition of the prize for students and postdocs that are conducting their research on aquaculture nutrition to foster the use of nutritional-based mathematical simulations in their work.

SPAROS will award applicants with the highest score airfare, lodging and conference registration fees to attend Aquaculture Europe 2022 in Rimini, Italy. The application deadline is January 18, 2022. 

Download the contest rules below and get inspired about FEEDNETICSTM application for aquaculture researchers by watching this webinar. For more information, contact
