
Event News

AQUA 2012, September 1-5, 2012 - Prague, Czech Republic

Time to think about your abstract for the AQUA 2012 event - Global Aquaculture: Securing our Future

The theme for next year’s AQUA 2012 event “Global Aquaculture: Securing our Future” has several aspects. It has obvious implication in global and regional food security and aquaculture trade, placing aquaculture products in the global fisheries market. It also refers to economic and environmental sustainability and the image of aquaculture activities. Our future is what we make of it now – how we alleviate poverty; how we manage our future resource needs and especially how we educate, train and manage knowledge for the next generation of aquaculture researchers, producers and other stakeholders.

AQUA 2012 Programme co-chairs Marco Saroglia, José Polanco and Zdenek Adamek have put together a vast programme of more than 50 technical sessions that will be open for abstract submission. They are listed here in full under the main subject areas for you to start thinking about what you would like to present at this important global event. Please note that although the meeting is being held in the Czech Republic, all aspects of aquaculture (species, rearing environments, markets etc...) will be addressed at AQUA 2012.

Abstracts should be submitted before February 1st, 2012. 

Environment, Biodiversity and Climate Change

•Aquaculture, climate change and ocean acidification

•Environmental impact of Aquaculture: assessment and minimization

•Exotic and GMO species: environmental and economic impacts

•Genetic effects of aquaculture escapees

Aquaculture standards certification, schemes, costs and benefits

•Measuring sustainability in a changing world

•Animal welfare as a concern of consumers

•Food safety

•Social certifications and labour welfare

•Integrating finance into sustainability models

Aquaculture and Human Health

•Health attributes of seafood

•Bioactives and functional seafood

•Advances in seafood processing

•Drugs and therapeutants

Production Systems

•Cage-culture engineering

•Bio-floc systems

•Recirculation systems

•Pond culture

•Offshore aquaculture

•Integrated multi-trophic aquaculture

•Raceway systems

•Capture-based aquaculture

•Organic aquaculture

•Aquaculture in desert conditions

•Reservoir based aquaculture

Feedstuffs, Feeds and Feed additives

•Feedstuffs and feed additives

•Pre-biotics and pro-biotics

•Fish meal and oil extension (IFO)

•Alternative feedstuffs and aqua feeds

•Antimicrobials in aqua feeds

Molluscs & other Invertebrates

•Genetics and biotechnology

•Reproduction, nutrition and grow-out

•Environmental and health management

•Restoration projects using shellfish aquaculture

Marine Shrimp

•Marine shrimp maturation and hatchery management

•Marine shrimp genetics

•Marine shrimp feed and nutrition

•Marine shrimp health

General Finfish Culture

•Finfish reproduction and broodstock management

•Finfish morphology and physiology

•Finfish health

•Finfish larvae management and nutrition

•Finfish nutrition and feeding strategies

•Carnivorous finfish feeds and nutrition

Freshwater Fish Culture



•Pangasius & Clarias & Ictalurus catfish






Marine Fish Culture

•Grouper & snappers

•Tuna, cobia and yellowtails


•Salmonids aquaculture


•European sea bass & sea bream


Seaweeds and Algae


•Microalgae: bioenergy and bioproducts


Other Species Culture

•Amphibian and reptile aquaculture

•Plankton culture

Aquaculture Economics

•Development, welfare and poverty alleviation

•Economics and management

•Markets and marketing

Animal Science, Welfare, Health and Diseases





•Animal welfare

Breeding & Genetics

Special Topics

•Merging issues in Aquaculture: omics, nanotech

•Education, extension, and technology transfer

•Aquaculture policy and regulations

•Central and Eastern European aquaculture, further development

•Sustainability of tuna aquaculture & capture-based aquaculture

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