
Event News

Aquaculture Europe 2009 Conference

Online abstract submission and registration for Aquaculture Europe 2009 conference is now available

Aquaculture Europe 2009 Conference

Online abstract submission and registration for Aquaculture Europe 2009 conference is now available.

AE2009 encourages the submission of high quality oral and poster presentations and these may be submitted ONLINE. Detailed guidelines for abstract preparation are also provided in the online submission module.

AQUACULTURE EUROPE 2009 WILL ADDRESS FUTURE RESEARCH CHALLENGES – as aquaculture continues to develop, the research will undergo fundamental change. Current technologies have potentially reached their limits and we now need re-thinking on their role in contributing to the research agenda.

Aquaculture Europe 2009 will address this challenge and will provide an international forum to discuss latest research initiatives and new research frontiers. Aquaculture Europe 2009 will take place from August 14-17, 2009, in Trondheim, Norway - just before the world’s leading aquaculture exhibition, Aqua Nor, where many new research approaches are already starting to find industrial applications.


The thematic sessions take place each morning of AE2009 and are plenary sessions. International speakers will present these thematic sessions that ‘open the debate’ and pave the way for the parallel, technical sessions of contributed presentations in both oral and poster format. Thematic sessions feature the role of Blue Biotechnology; Nanotechnology and its applications; The role of microbiota; New molecular biology applications and a presentation of the Strategic Research Agenda of the European Aquaculture Technology and Innovation Platform, providing the latest updates on the production of a Strategic Research Agenda based on the Vision Document that has been prepared by this industry-driven European technology platform.


The following is a list of the sessions open for submission of abstracts. When considering submission of your abstract, please select the session most suited to your contribution.

PS 01: Benefiting from accelerating genomic research;

PS 02: Life cycle management;

PS 03: Multi-factorial disease;

PS 04: Aquaculture governance, policy, socio-economic and economic research;

PS 05: Molecular technologies;

PS 06: New technologies to combat biofouling;

PS 07: Offshore aquaculture;

PS 08: Microbiology in aquaculture systems;

PS 09: The challenges of new feed resources;

PS 10: Integrated Multi Trophic Aquaculture;

PS 11: Mitigating the effects of climate change;

PS 12: From waste to taste;

PS 13:Other contributions.

More detailed information can be found on the conference pages at

Deadline for abstract submission: February 15, 2009

Register early and take advantage of the low costs being offered. Please consider joining EAS to get the member rate, as well as the numerous benefits that membership provides. Registration costs will increase after May 15.