Hosted by AZTI-Tecnalia, the European Aquaculture Society (EAS) is organizing their annual Aquaculture Europe event in Donostia, San Sebastian in the heart of the Basque Country in Spain. AE2014 will address the theme of ADDING VALUE to our products, our processes, to research and to resources. It will take place from October 14-17.
Abstracts can be submitted for a wide range of sessions, including: Adding value to aquaculture products; Commercialisation of aquaculture products; Integrity, safety and authenticity of food products from aquaculture; By-products management; Climate change and environmental management;Nutrition: Requirements; Nutrition: Alternative feed ingredients;Nutrition: Outputs of the EU ARRAINA project; Hatchery; Land-based aquaculture technologies; Offshore mariculture; Stock management strategies to control reproduction prior to harvest; Beyond monoculture; Advances in disease and welfare; Marine biotechnology; Genomic research and applications; Species diversification; Salmon farming sustainability; Eels - research progress; Shellfish; Seaweeds as food, feed and economic activity; Aquaponics; Organic aquaculture; Knowledge management, transfer and extension networks; Governance, policy and strategic planning; Biology of aquatic species gametes (AQUAGAMETE COST ACTION); Laboratory fish models for aquaculture applications (e.g. Zebrafish and others) and Sustainability assessment of the aquaculture chain.
There will also be satellite workshops and an international trade exhibition with associated Industry Forums for shellfish, marine fish and freshwater fish.
You are invited to submit your abstract and register early to take advantage of the low costs being offered. Special registration fees for Spanish nationals that are members of the Sociedad Espaola de Acuicultura (SEA) are also offered from now until June 30. Please consider joining EAS to get the special member rate, as well as the numerous benefits that membership provides.