
Event News

Aquaculture Europe 2016 announces Plenary Speakers and Industry Forums

Event organizers have released detailed information on the plenary speakers, special workshops, seminars, and meetings during Aquaculture Europe 2016 in Edinburgh. The workshop titled \"Food For Thought,\" organized by the Scottish Aquaculture Innovation Centre (SAIC) and WWF, will highlight and discuss opportunities and challenges in the future of innovation into sustainable feeds.
June 30, 2016

Event organizers have released detailed information on the plenary speakers, special workshops, seminars, and meetings during Aquaculture Europe 2016 in Edinburgh. Full program details will be updated at the AE2016 web page. 

The workshop titled \"Food For Thought,\" organized by the Scottish Aquaculture Innovation Centre (SAIC) and WWF, will highlight and discuss opportunities and challenges in the future of innovation into sustainable feeds. The workshop will take place Thursday, September 22. 14:30-17:30 in Lammermuir 1 Room.

Others forums:

  • Best Practice in Percid Fish Aquaculture
  • The UK Aquaculture Initiative
  • Salmonview seminar: Growing larger fish in RAS systems
  • EAS/EATiP Day: DEVELOPMENT vs. STAGNATION: Defining issues and identifying needs
  • The use of cleanerfish in European aquaculture
  • The future of trout farming
  • Cutting a long story short - Selective Breeding for Aquaculture - Traits and Tools
  • Aquaculture in Marine Protected Areas
  • The Shellfish Forum
  • TAPAS - Tools for Assessment and Planning of Aquaculture Sustainability

Plenary Speakers:

  • “Showcasing Scottish Aquaculture - School pupils\' perspectives” - Seafood in Schools project participants 
  • “The future for fish – a retailer’s perspective” – Ally Dingwall, Sainsbury’s
  • “Why Scottish salmon farming is a global success” – Anne MacColl, Scottish Salmon Producers Organisation
