
Event News

Aquaculture Europe 2017 program information now online

The European Aquaculture Society has announced that the program grid and program information for Aquaculture Europe 2017 is now available online at the AE2017 page of the EAS website. The program contains an overview of the sessions, information and profiles of the AE2017 Plenary Speakers, as well as other information on special sessions and Industry Forums taking place during the week.

The European Aquaculture Society has announced that the program grid and program information for Aquaculture Europe 2017 is now available online at the AE2017 page of the EAS website.

The program contains an overview of the sessions, information and profiles of the AE2017 Plenary Speakers , as well as other information on special sessions and Industry Forums taking place during the week.

The event\'s Plenary Speakers are as follows:

  • Day 1: “Is substitution compromising our omega 3 (DHA) position?” - Professor Michael A Crawford, PhD, FRSB, FRCPath, Imperial College, London.
  • Day 2: “Large scale RTD facility to take tuna farming forward” – Fernando de la Gándara, Researcher at the IEO (Spanish Institute of Oceanography) and Director of the Murcia Oceanographic Center.
  • Day 3: “Gene editing. A game changer for aquaculture?” – Anna Wargelius, Institute of Marine Research, Bergen.

Information on the AE2017 location and hotel booking page is also available.
