
Event News

Aquaculture mission to Aqua Sur, 20-23 October 2010

The Chilean aquaculture industry is ready for business development and the Aquaculture Communications Group (ACG) in collaboration with their Chilean partners invite you to join their mission/tour to Aqua Sur 2010 - Registration closes September 15

Aquaculture mission to Aqua Sur, 20-23 October 2010


The Aquaculture Communications Group (ACG) in collaboration with our Chilean partners, Rodrigo Infante Varas (Synergya EIRL) and Soledad Francke A. (Business Tour Chile), will be leading a mission/tour to Aqua Sur 2010. If you have not looked at Chile as an investment opportunity or a place to expand your business interests, then think again. But you have to act fast; the closing date to register for the mission is September 15th.

The Chilean aquaculture industry is ready for business development and we have identified several areas looking for investors/partners. If any of the specific areas or related services listed below is part of your business development, you can’t miss this opportunity -

Waste management services - collection of solid wastes from hatcheries and industrial processing plants. Using a very innovative technology and service, an existing company is expanding and looking for a partner to capitalize further.

Land-based salmon production units – where the entire production chain from eggs to grow-out and harvesting can be done. The units are designed to be disease-free systems with high efficiency and productivity. Investment in complete production systems or the various components is sought.

Bio-secure ports and vessels - equipment to develop ports and vessels to be bio-secure, with proper water treatment and disinfection to prevent contamination and spread of diseases are being built.

Bio-secure transportation - equipment related to the fast and efficient movement of fish and farming equipment, and trucks or tanks that can handle all fish waste and effluents.

Processing plants – companies that are currently operating are searching to implement state-of-the-art systems for salmon or other fish species. Participation for foreign investors in companies already working is a possibility.

ACG and its partners will organize and facilitate face-to-face investment meetings with pre-qualified Chilean firms seeking investor and/or partners. Translators will be provided, if required.

An International Investment Meeting will take place on 19-21 October in Puerto Montt in conjunction with Aqua Sur. ACG is in touch with the event organizers and can supply interested firms with more specific information if desired; contact us at

A symposium has also been organized in conjunction with the tradeshow, contact us for details.

In addition to visiting the Aqua Sur exposition, site tours to production and processing facilities will be provided by ACG. Please let us know your interests as soon as possible so that we can organize the best possible program to meet your business and information needs.

For more information and a link to a proposed itinerary, please click here!

Let us introduce you to the real Chilean Aquaculture Industry!