
Event News

Aquaculture nutrition and animal welfare seminar in Chile

The seminar is organized by Salmonfood and INCAR will be held in Port Montt on March 22.
Aquaculture nutrition and animal welfare seminar in Chile

The seminar is organized by Salmonfood and the Interdisciplinary Center for Aquaculture Research, Incar, and will be held at the Hotel Manquehue in Puerto Montt on March 22.  
Two international scientists will join Chilean researchers in this seminar. Luis Conceição, Sparos, Portugal, presentation will be about the prediction of nutritional effects and environmental impacts of fish aquaculture. Luisa Valente, from CIIMAR-UPorto, Portugal, will present \"University-industry relationships: intelligent and sustainable solutions to aquaculture problems\".

The seminar will also involve two associate researchers from the Incar Center. Teresa Gonçalves will discuss the role of nutrigenomics and the future of functional diets in salmon, with special emphasis on the use of probiotics and will also highlight some studies conducted in Chile. Juan Antonio Valdés will present his study \"Salmon stress: Phisio-genomic response and its growth implications”.

Sergio Castillo, Salmonfood Head of nutrition, will expose \"Salmon nutrition: The main source of productive improvement\".

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