
Event News

AquaFarm postponed to May 2022

Due to the epidemiological context in Europe, the event was rescheduled to May 25 -26, 2022, with a special international conference day on May 27.

AquaFarm postponed to May 2022

AquaFarm, NovelFarm and AlgaeFarm have been postponed. Due to the epidemiological context in Italy, Europe and the rest of the world, Pordenone Fiere was forced to postpone the event to allow a safer organization and guarantee the important level of internationality achieved by the show over the years. The event was rescheduled to May 25 -26, 2022, with a special international conference day on May 27.

AquaFarm and NovelFarm have been able to carve out a prominent place among the events in the fishing and agricultural sectors in the past years. The two events, now in their fifth and third editions respectively, boast 35% of exhibitors from abroad and an international audience equal to 15% of the total (Croatia, Spain, France, Egypt, Belgium, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Slovenia, the Netherlands, Norway and Serbia).

“We took the decision to postpone the event to allow participation from Europe and the rest of the world,” said Renato Pujatti, president of Pordenone Fiere. “We found in both sectors the desire to meet in person again to carry out the work professionally and satisfactorily. Postponing the event was a necessary choice to offer all stakeholders the qualified organization and the recognized excellence of the contents of the event.”

The show offers the opportunity for business, networking and professional updating for all trade operators within the sector. The exhibition area is accompanied by conferences dealing with current and important issues for the future development of aquaculture and agritech. This year AlgaeFarm, an event entirely dedicated to algal culture, AquaFarm R&D Award contest will reward innovative projects aimed at improving productivity in aquaculture. The event will also host a Special Conference Day, dedicated to a series of international conferences, such as the IYAFA 2022 seminar (International Year of Artisanal Fisheries and Aquaculture), organized in collaboration with FAO, API (Italian Fish Farmers Association) and GFCM (General Fisheries Commission for the Mediterranean).