
Event News

AquaSG '16 - October 19 - 21, 2016, Singapore

Researchers, investors, farmers, feed manufacturers, nutritionists, environmental agencies, decision makers and stakeholders from the international aquaculture industry can look forward to an opportunity for learning and discussing ideas about aquaculture science and technology this October in Singapore.

Researchers, investors, farmers, feed manufacturers, nutritionists, environmental agencies, decision makers and stakeholders from the international aquaculture industry can look forward to an opportunity for learning and discussing ideas about aquaculture science and technology this October in Singapore.

Following positive response from the 2-day conference and workshop first introduced in 2015 to officiate opening of the Centre for Aquaculture and Veterinary Science at Temasek Polytechnic, the organising committee has engaged Asian Aquaculture Network (AAN) to present Aqua SG’ 16 this year, Aquaculture Singapore: Innovation and Investment in Aquaculture will comprises  a 3-day conference, exhibition and pre-conference workshops.

Alongside the conference program, exhibition opportunities are also made available for suppliers to present their nutrition products, instruments and equipment for farm management, diagnostics and therapeutics, as a complete package to encourage sustainable aquaculture practices within the industry.

Widely known as the global commerce, finance and transportation hub, Singapore will certainly lend its favourable geographical location to the growing success of AquaSG and the growth of aquaculture innovations and investments within the Asia Pacific region in the near future.

Dates: October 19 – 21, 2016
(Pre-conference workshops will be held from October 17 – 18, 2016)
Time: 10am – 5pm daily
Location: School of Applied Science, Temasek Polytechnic, Singapore

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