
Event News

Asian-Pacific Aquaculture 2011, January 17 - 20, 2011 - Kochi, India

Urgent - Indian visa requirements for Asian Pacific Aquaculture 2011

Asian-Pacific Aquaculture 2011, January 17 - 20, 2011 - Kochi, India

Urgent - Indian visa requirements for Asian Pacific Aquaculture 2011

The World Aquaculture advises that it is urgent that nationals and/or passport holders from Afghanistan, Bangladesh, China, Iran, Iraq, Pakistan, Sri Lanka and Sudan fill out their visa request data form immediately. This information is for submitting to the Government of India to process your Indian visa faster, and for getting necessary government clearances. This information will be submitted to the Ministry of Home & Ministry of External Affairs of India, who in turn will inform the Indian Consulates/Embassies in respective countries to issue the visas ... detailsConference website.