
Event News

Asian Pacific Aquaculture 2018

The Asian Pacific Aquaculture 2018 (APA18) conference will take place from April 23-26 at the Taipei International Convention Centre in Taiwan. The theme of the conference will be \"Innovation for aquaculture sustainability and food safety.\"

The Asian Pacific Aquaculture 2018 (APA18) conference will take place from April 23-26 at the Taipei International Convention Centre in Taiwan. The theme of the conference will be “Innovation for aquaculture sustainability and food safety.\"

The conference is being organized by WAS and the APC chapter together with the help of National Taiwan Ocean University (NTOU) and local partners such as Taiwan DG Fish, Pingtung Uni., FBAT, Fish Res Institute, the Fish Agency of Taiwan.

The APA18 steering committee, chaired by Prof. Ching-Fong Chang (President of NTOU) and Dr. Guillaume Drillet (President of WAS-APC), held its first meeting during APA17 event. 

The program committee led by Prof. Ming-Wei Lu (NTOU) and A/Prof. PhamQuoc Hung (Nha Trang University) have set a deadline for abstract submission of January 31st, 2018. 

More information will be available soon on the WAS website.