May 1 – 4, 2012, are the dates for the Skretting Australasian Aquaculture 2012 International conference and Trade Show, to be held at the ‘6 Star Green Star’ Convention facility, Melbourne Convention and Exhibition Centre.
Australasian Aquaculture represents an excellent opportunity via its technical programme to showcase the latest developments in the aquaculture world.
The ‘Call for Papers’ remains open until 30 November. The programme committee invites the submission of high quality oral and poster presentations in line with the theme of ‘The Next Ten Years’.
Programme Chair, Dr Geoff Allan, said: “Collaborative events like this are an excellent opportunity to learn from each other while showcasing the best that our industry has to offer.
“The 2012 Australasian Aquaculture programme will provide plenty of thought-provoking commentary about the current state of the industry and where it is headed as we address the conference theme.
“Global leaders will gather to discuss best practices and generate discussions geared for open, honest debate”, Dr Allan said.
The programme will include a fully integrated trade show, workshops, technical tours, information-packed presentations, multiple networking events, open networking time and an area for one-on-one meetings.
Australasian Aquaculture’s inaugural AAA Awards will take place at NGV Australia where industry nominees will gather for an evening of entertainment and vie for recognition of excellence in a number of categories.
Trade Show Manager Mr Mario Stael said: “Companies interested in exhibiting should consider booking space as interest in the trade show has really started to take off.
“The trade show allows exhibitors to promote their products and services to business leaders attending from around the world.
“Exhibitors are provided with global exposure as the event is promoted through print online and social media avenues,” Mr Stael said.
In addition to the event activities taking place across the official dates; Professor Tom Losordo’s popular Recirculating Aquaculture Engineering Workshop will once again precede Australasian Aquaculture (28,29 April), with the AquaEd 2012 Training & Education Workshop taking place following its conclusion (5,6 May).
To register your interest in participating at Australasian Aquaculture 2012, contact Conference Coordinator Sarah-Jane Day or Mario Stael for European company.
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