
Event News

“Co-operation for Growth” selected as theme for Aquaculture Europe 2017

The European Aquaculture Society has begun preparations for Aquaculture Europe 2017, which will take place in Dubrovnik, Croatia from October 17 to 20. The theme of this year’s event is “Co-operation for Growth.” AE2017 has identified a lack of cooperation between operators in the sector as a factor that may contribute to the limited of growth in aquaculture, and will host a range of thematic sessions to address the issue. Abstracts should be submitted before May 1st to have a ‘first review’ chance by the session moderators for acceptance.

The European Aquaculture Society has begun preparations for Aquaculture Europe 2017, which will take place in Dubrovnik, Croatia from October 17 to 20. The theme of this year’s event is “Co-operation for Growth.”

AE2017 has identified a lack of cooperation between operators in the sector as a factor that may contribute to the limited of growth in aquaculture, and will host a range of thematic sessions to address the issue.

In its first planning meetings, the AE2017 Program co-chairs Snjezana Zrncic (Croatian Veterinary Institute) and Constantinos Mylonas (HCMR, Greece) proposed a list of parallel sessions, which are now available for online abstract submission. These cover many sessions that feature in all AE events, as well as some that are specific to AE2017. Read the full list.

Abstracts should be submitted before May 1st to have a ‘first review’ chance by the session moderators for acceptance. Abstracts submitted after the deadline will still be processed.

Event details