
Event News

Deadline for Aquaculture Europe 2010 On-line Abstract Submission and Registration Approaching; New Nutrition Session Added

The deadline for on-line abstract submission and registration for Aquaculture Europe 2010 conference is April 15

Deadline for Aquaculture Europe 2010 On-line Abstract Submission and Registration Approaching; New Nutrition Session Added


The deadline for on-line abstract submission and registration for Aquaculture Europe 2010 conference is April 15. AE2010 encourages the submission of high quality oral and poster presentations and these may be submitted ONLINE. Detailed guidelines for abstract preparation are also provided in the online submission module.

AQUACULTURE EUROPE 2010 will address the general theme of SEAFARMING TOMORROW – covering many topics related to island, coastal and ocean aquaculture, but also covering the production of freshwater species. Parallel conference sessions include land-based systems, estuarine, coastal lagoon, coastal and offshore aquaculture and encompass many species from shellfish to fish to marine plants. AE2010 will also consider the specific issues related to production on Mediterranean islands and in Europe’s Outermost Regions.  Aquaculture Europe 2010 will take place from October 5-8, 2010 at the Centro de Congressos da Alfândega – the old customs house on the quay of the Douro River in the heart of Porto, Portugal and just opposite the famous port wine cellars that are synonymous with this lively city. The conference will be accompanied by an international trade exhibition.

The thematic sessions take place each morning of AE2010 and are plenary sessions. International speakers will present these thematic sessions that ‘open the debate’ and pave the way for the parallel, technical sessions of contributed presentations in both oral and poster format. Thematic sessions include the future of marine aquaculture in a changing environment; aquaculture governance and regulatory frameworks; how to integrate aquaculture with other coastal activities; consumer demands and consumption trends and the development of a sustainable sector based on the ecosystem approach.


The following is a list of the sessions open for submission of abstracts. When considering submission of your abstract, please select the session most suited to your contribution.
PS 01: Finfish hatchery production, PS 02: Shellfish (juvenile) production, PS 03: Management of aquaculture stocks, PS 04: Species diversification - finfish, PS 05: Species diversification – other species, PS 06: Land-based production, PS 07: Offshore aquaculture, PS 08: Aquaculture on Islands, PS 09: The eco-system approach to aquaculture, PS 10: Carrying capacity and spatial planning, PS 11: Aquaculture governance and interactions with fisheries, PS 12: Human health, consumer science, and quality, including aquaculture perception, PS 13: Health management of finfish and shellfish, PS 14: Novel feeds, ingredients and additives, PS 15: Aquaculture welfare and ethics and PS 16: EU Forum. Note: A NEW Session (PS 17) simply entitled "Nutrition" has now been added.

More detailed information can be found on the conference pages at


Deadline for abstract submission: April 15, 2010

You are invited to register early and take advantage of the low costs being offered. Special registration fees for Portuguese nationals that are members of EAS are offered from now until June 30 at only €200. Please consider joining EAS to get the special member rate, as well as the numerous benefits that membership provides.