
Event News

Early bird registration for Swiss extrusion courses

The course Design of food extrusion dies will cover the theory and practice of designing dies for food and feed extrusion systems. Early registration deadline is December 6.

FiE in conjunction with FoodStream and the University of Applied Sciences & Arts Western Switzerland Valais will hold Design of food extrusion dies course from February 13 – 14 in Sion, Switzerland.

This course will cover the theory and practice of designing dies for food and feed extrusion systems. The program is relevant to the production of all types of extruded products - including expanded snacks and breakfast cereals, pastas and third generation snack pellets, pet foods and aquafeeds. Topics include calculation of die conductance/pressure drop, allowing for die entrance effects, causes of product curvature, design of primary dies and the influence of die wear.

Early registration deadline is December 6. More information here.

More extrusion courses that will be held in 2020 are: