
Event News

European Percid Fish Culture (EPFC) workshops

The European Aquaculture Society announced two upcoming special workshops related to the EAS thematic group European Percid Fish Culture (EPFC). The workshop \"Reproduction of European Pikeperch,\" taking place September 11-15 in Belgium, will provide hands-on practical training on all relevant aspects in relation to the reproduction of European pikeperch (Sander lucioperca). The EPFC Workshop 2017 will take place on October 17 during the Aquaculture Europe conference in Dubrovnik. The workshop, titled \"New skillsets in Percid Fish Culture,\" will pertain to the latest achievements in skills and competencies required for successful percid fish culture.

The European Aquaculture Society announced two upcoming special workshops related to the EAS thematic group European Percid Fish Culture (EPFC).

The workshop \"Reproduction of European Pikeperch,\" taking place September 11-15 in Belgium, will provide hands-on practical training on all relevant aspects in relation to the reproduction of European pikeperch (Sander lucioperca).

The workshop is organized and hosted by Stefan Teerlinck (Inagro) and taught by skilled experts Daniel Zarski (UWM) and Uros Ljubobratovic (NARIC). It will combine theoretical and practical classes from induction of reproduction to egg quality assessment. After this workshop, participants will be able to improve and standardize their own reproduction on farm level. More details are available here (pdf). 

The EPFC Workshop 2017 will take place on October 17 during the Aquaculture Europe conference in Dubrovnik. The workshop, titled \"New skillsets in Percid Fish Culture,\" will pertain to the latest achievements in skills and competencies required for successful percid fish culture. Confirmed speakers include colleagues from Switzerland, Hungary, Belgium, Germany and Ireland. Participation is free of charge for all AE conference and trade show delegates; email to to register for the workshop.