
Event News

Expo Pesca and AcuiPerú 2017

The 8th Expo Pesca and AcuiPerú, a growing international fisheries and aquaculture tradeshow, will take place on November 08 - 10, 2017 in Lima, Peru. This specialized event is the largest in its sector in Latin America and has been held in Peru every two years since 2003 to promote and support the sale of equipment, supplies and services for fisheries and aquaculture.

The 8th Expo Pesca and AcuiPerú, a growing international fisheries and aquaculture tradeshow, will take place on November 08 - 10, 2017 in Lima, Peru.

This specialized event is the largest in its sector in Latin America and has been held in Peru every two years since 2003 to promote and support the sale of equipment, supplies and services for fisheries and aquaculture, including boats and parts, catch, refrigeration, processing, distribution and feeds for marine and aquaculture farming. The 300 exhibitors are international and local manufacturers, distributors and suppliers of these products. 
