
Event News

Extrusion Processing: Technology and Commercialization short course

August 11-14, 2009 - Manhattan, Kansas, USA

This course covers the underlying principles of extrusion processing from raw material selection and equipment to post-processing operations and control systems

Extrusion Processing: Technology and Commercialization short course
August 11-14, 2009

IGP Conference Center, Dept. of Grain Science & Industry, Kansas State University, Manhattan, Kansas, USA

This course covers the underlying principles of extrusion processing from raw material selection and equipment to post-processing operations and control systems. Lectures will address a diverse range of extruded products including breakfast cereals, snacks, petfood, and feed for poultry, animal and aquatic species.

A substantial portion of the course will be devoted to business planning and the commercialization aspects of setting up an extrusion plant. Lab sessions with hands-on experience with pilotscale extrusion equipment will be an important part of this short course.

The course is jointly organized by the Dept. of Grain Science & Industry and Dept. of Agricultural Economics at Kansas State, with active participation by regional industry partners. The extrusion lab at Kansas State, which is part of the Grain Science Dept., has a strong emphasis on service, research and teaching. The extrusion pilot lab is primarily housed in the new Bioprocessing and Industrial Value-Added Program building, and has a variety of facilities including pilot-scale twin and single screw extruders and a pilot-scale gas-fired dryer.

Download the brochure from the link below for details:
