
Event News

FEED-X finalist day

Eighteen shortlisted innovators will have the opportunity to present their innovation to an esteemed panel of judges on September 17, who will deliberate and decide on up to nine finalists who will be taken forward into the next phase of testing.

FEED-X project that aims at removing the barriers to sustainably feed, affordable food by 2030 through fast-tracking the scaling up of sustainable innovations in the sector, has now entered a critical point, halfway through the nine stages of delivery. On 17 September, 18 shortlisted innovators will have the opportunity to present their innovation to an esteemed panel of judges, who will deliberate and decide on up to nine finalists who will be taken forward into the next phase of testing.

Project X received 133 expressions of interest for FEED-X. Of these, 61 innovators were long-listed to be assessed in an independent, transparent and objective process, considering six common risk metrics. Over the last 3 months, a wide-range of experts with environmental, ethical, economic, regulation, nutrition and social backgrounds have been assessing this long-list and have now selected 18 innovators for the final stage of the assessment process.

The finalists will be presenting their innovations to a diverse panel of judges including representatives from Skretting, WWF, IKEA, Climate KIC, University of Cambridge, The World Bank, private wealth investors among others on September 17. The finalists will be announced during an awards ceremony the same day.

During the next phase, the finalists will have the opportunity to test their products or innovations with lead partner Skretting, through the Skretting Aquaculture Research Centre (ARC). If testing proves successful, the second phase of the project focusing on verification, scale and roll out will ensure maximum impact ultimately accelerating the adoption of sustainable innovations at scale. This process is expected to continue throughout 2020 and beyond.