
Event News

Full house at Aquafeed Horizons Asia 2016

More than 160 people packed into Aquafeed Horizons Asia 2016 in Bangkok onMarch 29, 2016. The 9th in the series of technical conferences drew senior executives, nutritionists and processors from throughout Asia Pacific as well as Europe, the US, India and the Middle East. Delegates expressed their appreciation for the high quality of the presentations and their practical relevance to their businesses.

More than 160 people packed into Aquafeed Horizons Asia 2016 in Bangkok onMarch 29, 2016. The 9th in the series of technical conferences drew senior executives, nutritionists and processors from throughout Asia Pacific as well as Europe, the US, India and the Middle East. Delegates expressed their appreciation for the high quality of the presentations and their practical relevance to their businesses.

The conference was again held along-side and in cooperation with the VICTAM/FIAAP/GRAPAS Asia shows, the most significant feed show in the region. There were 223 exhibitors and co-exhibitors, from 28 countries. In all there were 6,374 visitors, 40 percent of whom were from outside Thailand.

The next Aquafeed Horizons conference will be held in Cologne, Germany in June 2017. Contact for information.