
Event News

GIANT PRAWN 2017 Conference in Thailand

The GIANT PRAWN 2017 International Conference and Exhibition will be held at the Asian Institute in Technology in Thailand from March 20 - 24, 2017. The deadline for early bird registration and online abstract submission is December 31, 2016.

The GIANT PRAWN 2017 International Conference and Exhibition will be held at the Asian Institute in Technology in Thailand from March 20 - 24, 2017. The deadline for early bird registration and online abstract submission is December 31, 2016.
The conference includes four days of technical sessions (invited speakers and parallel sessions) from March 20 - 23, and one day of a farm tour (on 24 March) to prawn farms and a hatchery in Thailand. The Exhibition will run for four days of the conference. 
There is also a Workshop on Advances in prawn hatchery production that will be held for three days from March 17 - 19, just before the main conference. 
