
Event News

Global food security in the spotlight of IFFO’s 60th Annual Conference

The conference will be reuniting the marine ingredients and wider industries together in Lima, Peru from October 24-26, 2022.

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IFFO’s 60th Annual Conference will be reuniting the marine ingredients and wider industries together in Peru from October 24-26, 2022. It will provide all members and stakeholders of IFFO - The Marine Ingredients Organisation with the latest insights from thirty speakers, with simultaneous interpretation between English and Spanish. Registration is open here, with early bird discounted registration fee available before August 26. Full details on the agenda are available here.

FAO’s Blue Transformation as guidance

Chaired by Johan Evans, a panel will look at marine ingredients' role in global food security. Martin Exel from SeaBOS, Stefania Vannuccini from FAO, Allan Cooper from Vitapro and Ricardo García Holtz from Salmones Camanchaca, will discuss the potential of blue foods and key requirements for them to play an increasing role in the global food system as the world’s population keeps growing.

Challenges and opportunities: circularity, climate targets and standards

Climate change presents new challenges to biodiversity and fisheries management. Speakers will outline the latest research on biodiversity and land-use implications of restricting fishing. They will also provide the latest evidence on the effects of climate change on global fisheries and explore how to set climate targets and achieve them. Life cycle assessment (LCA) analyses are clearly becoming an essential approach to feeding, as the speakers will explain.

A panel chaired by IFFO’s Brett Glencross will expand on how byproducts can be an increasing contributor to marine ingredient supply in the future. Kamel Gabriel EL Khaloui from ScanBio, Vincent Percier from Symrise, and Silke Middendorf from Biomega Group, will dive into specialty ingredients and palatability and explain how to make the most of byproducts.

Voluntary certification standards are making a difference in guiding consumers towards responsible products. Delegates will be updated on the Aquaculture Stewardship Council’s Feed and farming standards. They will also be presented with a case study on the Panama Fishery Improvement Project and how the transition to full MarinTrust certification can be achieved.

Market insights

A market forum will dive into the global fishmeal and fish oil markets and provide in-depth country presentations to all delegates (demand side) and IFFO producers and premium members only (supply side).

Collaboration and Traceability

Core to all presentations is the need to build trust to collaborate towards results. Arni Mathiesen, independent chair of the Global Roundtable on Marine Ingredients, will deliver an update on the work undertaken by its thirteen members to increase the availability of sustainable marine ingredients, understand and address urgent social issues and enhance social responsibility in key fisheries and regions.

Global logistics and cargo bottlenecks will also be addressed at a time when complications caused by the COVID-19 pandemic are compounded by the Russia-Ukraine war.