
Event News

How to improve energy efficiency in the extrusion process

Michel Bauer Pereira, application manager – Aqua & Pet at Andritz will present the best production practices in the processes of grinding, extrusion and drying to improve energy efficiency in feed production at Towards Sustainable Aquafeed conference on September 7 in Bangkok.

Michel Bauer Pereira, application manager

With the global population estimated to reach 9 billion people by 2050, the amount of protein required within the food chain will inevitably increase. One possible solution to this challenge is to increase the production of farmed fish. The extrusion process is an efficient way of producing fish feed to support this demand, however, it is common to find extrusion plants that consume more energy than usual due to outdated equipment (old technology), non-skilled operators or non-optimized process conditions and parameters. Considering the volatility of energy prices and for sustainable growth, the rational use of that energy is critical.  

Michel Bauer Pereira, application manager – Aqua & Pet at Andritz will present the best production practices in the processes of grinding, extrusion and drying that will help customers evaluate and improve energy efficiency in feed production at Towards Sustainable Aquafeed conference that will take place at VICTAM Asia and Health & Nutrition Asia in Bangkok on September 7. 

Ten presentations will focus on recent developments for aquafeed producers and practical steps for more sustainable and profitable aquafeed and aquaculture production.

Check out the full program below or here. Pre-registration is required for this conference (free entrance fee). Register here. For more information, contact  

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