The International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES), the world’s largest marine science and advisory body, in cooperation with the Institute of Marine Research (IMR) in Bergen, will hold its Annual Science Conference at the Scandic Bergen City Hotel in Bergen, Norway, September 17-21, 2012.
Over 600 scientists from around the world will visit Bergen to participate in the conference, which focuses on sustainable aquaculture as well as the oceanography and ecology of the Arctic in the context of climate change. In addition, the 18 theme sessions cover a wide range of topics from the effects of renewable energy production on aquatic life to the traceability of fish and fish products.
Aquaculture is today among the fastest growing food production sectors in the world and research into aquaculture–environment interactions have a high priority in many countries.
Dr Karin Kroon Boxaspen from the Institute of Marine Research in Bergen will provide a deeper understanding of the issues with her opening session lecture “The challenge of Sustainable Aquaculture production – Research and Advice for a changing world”.