
Event News

Inline monitoring and smart control technologies conference successfully held

As these technologies will be key and urgently needed by the feed industry, the conference is expected to be held every two years or sooner.

Inline monitoring and smart control technologies conference successfully held

The 1st International Virtual Conference of Inline Monitoring and Smart Control Technologies for Feed Processing Plants was successfully held from January 11-13, 2022. The conference was organized by the Chinese Cereal and Oil Association (CCOA), Feed Branch of Chinese Cereal and Oil Association (FBCCOA) and Henan University of Technology (HAUT). 

The aim of the conference was to promote the science and technology innovation, production efficiency, quality, green and sustainable development of the global feed industry by advanced smart monitoring and control technologies. Two hundred and ninety-nine attendees from nine countries joined the conference.

Professor Weiguo Wang, chairman of the meeting organization and Professor Fusheng Chen, vice president of Henan University of Technology, gave opened the conference followed by 11 technical presentations over two days:

Inline testing and smart control of feed processing - What basic research needs to do first? Weiguo Wang, professor and chairman of FBCCOA; New in-line/On-line instrument and automation for feed extrusion system, Dr. Mian N. Riaz, Professor of Food Science and Technology Dept. at Texas A&M University; How to prevent fire and dust explosion in feed processing industry, Håkan Johansson, Risk management and fire protection expert, Firefly AB; Practice of CPS system in intelligent upgrading of feed plant of CP GROUP, Peng Zhang, senior engineer in CP GROUP; A fresh approach to feed processing efficiency and the processed feed quality for better sustainability, Steven Goh, managing director of DelstAsia S/B; Robot operated calibration-free process laboratory, Thomas Jorgensen, managing director, Atline aps; Application of color sorting technology in feed and pet food, Kris Yan, director sortex, Bühler Group; Intelligence of feed processing industry, Philipp Fritschi, grain technical director of Asia Pacific, Bühler Group; Online monitoring and intelligent optimization technology of feed quality, Pengfei Lu, general manager of Americas, Zhengchang International; Study on inline predicting the physical quality of extruded aqua feeds, Dr. Hongyuan Cheng, Professor, Feed Research Institute, CAAS; Andritz Metris Digital Solution: The benefits of digitalization, Karsten Hø, expert of digitalization, Andritz. 

The presenters shared the latest innovative technologies and pointed out the issues of basic research and applied research on inline monitoring and intelligent control for feed processing plants. The innovative technologies and products were presented, such as the online laser particle size analyzer and full traceability system for feed production by Bühler Group, vision testing technology for pellet processing quality by DelstAsia S/B, and Feedmill 4.0 by CP M&E, among others. The organizers said that the conference was highly praised by the participants. 

As inline monitoring and smart control technologies will be key and urgently needed by the feed industry, the conference is expected to be held every two years or sooner.