
Event News

Insects to Feed the World conference in China

Organizers of the 2nd International Conference on Insects to Feed the World are calling for papers to be presented at the conference, which will be held in Wuhan, China from May 15-18, 2018. 

Organizers of the 2nd International Conference on Insects to Feed the World are calling for papers to be presented at the conference, which will be held in Wuhan, China from May 15-18, 2018. 

Event sessions will be organized depending on the submission of papers, and interested parties are encouraged to submit papers on the following topics:

  • The role of insects in food and feed production systems
  • Highlights of using insects in China for food, feed, and pharma
  • Ethno-entomology
  • Farming insects
  • Special food production systems
  • Special feed production systems
  • Nutrition, processing and conservation of edible insects
  • Insects as food and feed components and supplements
  • Environmental issues in gathering and farming insects
  • Food safety, legislation, and policy
  • Marketing and economics
  • Consumer attitudes
  • Edible insects and ethics
  • Future research and conducive policies

Abstracts must be submitted by March 1 online through the Online Academic Submission and Evaluation System (OASES). Conference registration is required prior to submitting an abstract.

Abstracts will be published in a supplement of Journal of Insects as Food and Feed, and preparations are underway to publish full papers in a special issue of Journal of Insects as Food and Feed.
