
Event News

International Conference of Aquaculture Indonesia (ICAI) 2010, October 25-28, International Conference on Shrimp Aquaculture (ICOSA) 2010 , October 28-30 - Surabaya, East Java Province, Indonesia.

The Indonesian Aquaculture Society (Masyarakat Akuakultur Indonesia or MAI) as a professional organization is holding two International Indonesia Aquaculture Conference events in 2010

International Conference of Aquaculture Indonesia (ICAI) 2010, October 25-28, International Conference on Shrimp Aquaculture (ICOSA) 2010 , October 28-30 - Surabaya, East Java Province, Indonesia.

In promoting Indonesia as a Center of Trade for the global aquaculture commodity (fish and shrimp), as a Center of Sustainable Aquaculture Development in Asian Pacific region and in an effort to assist the Indonesian government to achieve a national aquaculture production increment of  353% by 2014, the Indonesian Aquaculture Society (Masyarakat Akuakultur Indonesia or MAI) as a professional organization is holding two International Indonesia Aquaculture Conference 2010 events:

International Conference of Aquaculture Indonesia (ICAI) 2010 will be held on October 25-28 and International Conference on Shrimp Aquaculture (ICOSA) 2010 on October 28-30 in Surabaya, East Java Province, Indonesia.

ICAI 2010 and ICOSA 2010 are being held for Indonesia to host an international scientific and business meeting in aquaculture and as a trigger to speed up the national aquaculture production.

Dr. Agung Sudaryono, Secretary General MAI said International Indonesia Aquaculture Conference 2010, will be one of the most significant global Indonesian aquaculture events yet staged. ICAI 2010 is an annual conference hosted by Indonesian Aquaculture Society every two years.

ICOSA 2010 in October in Surabaya is the first international conference on shrimp aquaculture and replaces the International Conference & Exhibition on Shrimp Aquaculture (ICE-SA 2010 in May in Jakarta) event hosted by MAI.

You are encouraged to submit papers for oral or poster presentatins, to exhibit your aquaculture products and services, or simply to be a participating member of the audience in the multiple sessions of the conference, or a visitor to the exposition to gain information about the latest technical developments in global aquaculture.

You can also take part in aquaculture tours, receptions, seafood (catfish) festivals and various social activities. The conferences will be a forum to encourage the exchange of ideas, information and knowledge between scientists and industry personnel on important issues in aquaculture and how finding solutions and supporting to the industry.

Sponsorship and Promotion Packages are also available. International Indonesia Aquaculture Conference 2010 is expected to attract over 500 participants and 60 exhibitors to Surabaya and more than 2000 visitors will be in the aquaculture exhibition and other activities along with the 4-day meetings.

Participation is expected to be very strong from Asia, as well as Australasia. This is a good opportunity for your company to take part in promotion in the event due to Indonesia is a potential market for aquaculture business development. Do join us in spectacular Indonesia Aquaculture 2010 in Surabaya.

Please visit for further information or contact Dr. Agung Sudaryono, Secretary General MAI.