
Event News

International Genetics Meeting - Honolulu, Hawaii, February 21-23, 2011

The meeting is organized by a committee of scientists representing Hawaii, China, and Canada to promote collaboration and scientific communication among scientists, business and governmental agencies

International Genetics Meeting

The First International Meeting on Genes, Animal Agriculture and Aquaculture will take place in Honolulu, Hawaii on February 21-23, 2011. The meeting is  organized by a committee of scientists representing Hawaii, China, and Canada to promote collaboration and scientific communication among scientists, business and governmental agencies, and to catch up with the latest developments in gene-based technology in animal science and aquaculture.

Plenary sessions will include animal reproduction and breeding genetics, significant genes in livestock and aquatic species, gene expressions and functional genomics, animal cloning and transgenic technology, and DNA markers and animal breeding, to name just a few.

The deadline for abstract submission is December 6, 2010.

For complete details, please click here to view the announcement on the CTSA website. The announcement is also available in Chinese. For questions, please contact conference organizer and CTSA-sponsored researcher Jinzeng Yang, Ph.D., at