
Event News

Invertebrate production for aquaculture feeds online conference

The INvertebrateIT project is hosting a free online conference on March 6.

The INvertebrateIT project is hosting a free online conference on March 6 10:00 – 12:30 CET.

The Horizon 2020-funded INvertebrateIT project designed a series of free webinars. The information provided during this conference webinars will be of interest to any organization looking to scale-up their invertebrate production to seize opportunities in the aquaculture sector. Topics covered will be relevant to SMEs, entrepreneurs and any other stakeholder supplying the aquaculture sector with feeds, and other high value products and services, such as antimicrobial properties; special feeds, enrichment and ingredients; waste bio-conversion; and, biological water treatment. Designed and delivered by stakeholders in the sector for stakeholders in the sector, these webinars will be delivered in an accessible way and are intended to help others improve their technical capacity, strategic understanding and business planning.

More information here.