
Event News

ITALY - 1st EABA and EC Algae Contractors' Conference, and the 8th International Algae Congress in Florence, December 1-3, 2014

Florence will soon be the “capital of algae” as 200 experts will gather for the 1st EABA and EC Algae Contractors’ Conference, and the 8th International Algae Congress

November 19, 2014

Florence will soon be the “capital of algae” as 200 experts will gather for the 1st EABA and EC Algae Contractors’ Conference, and the 8th International Algae Congress.

The objective of this joint Conference is to discuss with all key EU algae stakeholders the progress achieved over the past seven years since the inception of the 7th Framework Program and to deliberate on the present status of Algal Biofuels and Products in an effort to benchmark the technological advances in view of deployment of algal biorefineries, commercializing algal biofuels and products and looking ahead to the Horizon 2020 Programme.

The conference is organized by The European Algae Biomass Association (EABA) and the Directorates General for Energy and Research & Innovation of the European Commission in collaboration with DLG Benelux.

Well known contributors and scientists from almost 30 countries worldwide are present at this International Conference. Presentations given by leading scientists, CEO’s, and authorities from all over the world together with poster presentations will give you a clear insight into the latest technological innovations, the economic outlook and the international developments in the algae industry. Also there is ample time for  networking, on December 2 in the evening, a social evening is organized and offered by the European Commission.

As significant improvements and breakthroughs in the algae industry will be reported during the Conference. The organizers are confident that this event will trigger innovation at different levels.

Themes addressed are: aquaculture and wastewater treatment, high value products, biorefinery, commercialization, value chains, EU Projects, new technologies for biomass production, biofuels and high value products from GMO and genetically improved algae, progress on pre-concentration, harvesting, extraction, water recycling and treatment, industrial innovation in Europe, novel food regulation, LCA and energy balance of algae production for bio-energy.

The Conference Co-Chairs are Vitor Verdelho (EABA President) and Kyriakos Maniatis (DG ENER).

More information:


Conference program l  Scientific committee l  Poster presentations