
Event News

Join Getting started in Aquaculture and Aquaponics Workshop - Canada

The University of Guelph will hold a one-day workshop for beginners at the Alma Aquaculture Research Station, Canada, on September 5.

The University of Guelph will hold a one-day workshop to learn about getting started in aquaculture and aquaponics at the Alma Aquaculture Research Station, Canada on September 5. The workshop is intended for beginners who are interested in aquaculture and/or aquaponics. The workshop investigates the requirements needed to initiate and operate an aquaculture farm in Ontario.

The topics covered will be:

  • Aquaculture legislation and regulations in Ontario.
  • Water and land use.
  • Rearing systems technology.
  • Nutrition and feeding.
  • Transportation and processing.
  • Economics and marketing.
  • Aquatic animal health.

Information is presented in a lecture format followed by a tour of the research facilities at the Alma Aquaculture Research Station.

For more information and registration visit