
Event News

Join Insects to Feed the World 2024 Conference in Singapore

This premier event for the insect feed and food sector will be held from June 19-22, 2024, at the Singapore EXPO convention center.

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The Asian Food and Feed Insect Association (AFFIA) will host the 5th edition of the Insects to Feed the World (IFW 2024) Conference. This premier event for the insect feed and food sector will be held from June 19-22, 2024, at the Singapore EXPO Convention Center.

Insects as alternative ingredients are set to transform the food supply chain by addressing food security issues, enhancing the health benefits and functionality for food, animal feeds, pet food, and agriculture, and reducing greenhouse emissions and contributing to the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

Chosen for its food security focus, innovation, and the development of a regulatory framework for edible insects, Singapore takes center stage as IFW travels to Southeast Asia.

IFW 2024 brings together researchers and industry leaders from around the world to exchange ideas and advancements in insect-based solutions for food and feed security. The conference offers a unique platform for learning, networking, and collaboration. Attendees will gain insights from experts and industry players on the latest research and development, and opportunities to contribute to a sustainable future.

The 5th IFW conference, hosted in Singapore by the Asian Food and Feed Insect Association (AFFIA), features a local organizing committee of leading researchers, industry executives, and government representatives. This ensures a dynamic and impactful event, attracting attendees from around the globe. Singapore's strong focus on innovation and sustainable food production, exemplified by initiatives like the 30-by-30 vision, makes it an ideal host for this pioneering conference.

The conference will feature keynote speeches, panel discussions, poster sessions, and workshops on a variety of insect-related topics. Renowned experts like Profesor Andreas Vilcinskas from Fraunhofer Institute for Molecular Biology and Applied Ecology (IME) & Justus-Liebig University (Gießen, Germany), Chrysantus Mbi Tanga from the International Centre of Insect Physiology and Ecology, Meghan Barrett from Indiana University Indianapolis, Nalini Puniamoorthy from the National University of Singapore, and Kees Aarts, CEO of Protix, will deliver keynote addresses, enriching the discourse and fostering a vibrant exchange of ideas throughout IFW 2024.

The “Insects to Feed the World” conference series has a rich history. The inaugural event in 2014, co-organized by Wageningen University & Research and the UN's Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), sparked a global movement towards insect-based solutions. The groundbreaking FAO publication EDIBLE INSECTS: Future prospects for Food and Feed Security further fueled this movement.

IFW has since become the premier event for stakeholders working on insect-based food and feed. Each subsequent conference, held in China, virtually, and in Canada, has built upon the success of the previous, fostering innovation and collaboration.

Leo Wein of Protenga, co-chair of IFW 2024, expressed his enthusiasm about hosting the event in Singapore, marking a significant advancement for the industry. “Every two years, the ‘Insects to Feed the World’ Conference becomes the focal point for everyone in the insect as feed and food industry. We are thrilled to host it in Singapore, a dynamic hub in Southeast Asia, where opportunities for insect farming are abundant and where climate, production factors and regulations are supportive of impactful developments. This event aligns perfectly with the region's growing commitment to sustainable food production and circular economy.”

Martin Zorrilla from Nutrition Technologies, fellow co-chair, echoed these sentiments, highlighting Singapore’s innovation and research in the field of insects. “We believe that Singapore’s strong research institutions and focus on innovation make it the perfect place to host IFW 2024 and further explore the potential of insects for a sustainable food future.”

Whether you are a researcher, entrepreneur, or simply interested in the future of food, IFW 2024 is the place to be. Find more information and register here.