
Event News

Largest ever FIAAP/VICTAM/GRAPAS Asia feed and grain event sees 30.2% of visitors from the aquaculture sector

The FIAAP/VICTAM/GRAPAS Asia 2016 event took place from March 29–31 within Halls 103 and 104 of the Bangkok International Trade & Exhibition Centre.

This was the third time that the event had been held in BITEC and as usual quality was the word being used to describe the shows and conferences. The visitors were very pleased with the exhibits, the newly launched products as well as the high quality of exhibitors and stands.

The exhibitors reported that the number of visitors and as always the quality of those visitors was very high.

The conference delegates also confirmed the quality of the speakers and papers presented at the conferences.

The FIAAP/VICTAM/GRAPAS Asia 2016 event was the largest event in Asia so far. As in 2014 the 2016 show was completely sold out. There were in all 223 exhibitors and they came from 28 different countries; the net exhibition floor area was 11% larger than the 2014 show and there were more exhibiting companies than in 2014 when there had been 213 exhibitors. Each exhibitor was asked if they would exhibit at the next event. Already 93% confirmed that they would. They also stated that sales were finalized during the show and that they had high expectations of orders coming through as a result of the event. Asked for their assessment of the show, exhibitors scored it as 8 out of 10. The total number of visitors was 6,374 and they came from from 71 countries.

The total number of visitors increased by 5% compared to 2014. The total number of foreign visitors increased by 34%. Their geographical breakdown is shown below. Visitors were impressed by the number of exhibitors at the show, the professional displays of the exhibitors and the quality of their staff. 94% of visitors stated they would visit the show again in 2018. 51% of visitors came to make new contacts for suppliers and 59% were specifically looking for new products.

Read the full show report.