
Event News

Larvi 2024 symposium to take place in September in Belgium

The 8th Fish and Shellfish Larviculture Symposium will take place from September 9-12 in Ostend, Belgium with a deadline for abstract submissions on January 15.

Sin nombre

Capitalizing on the previous “larvi” symposia in 1991, 1995, 2001, 2005, 2009, 2013 and 2017, the Aquaculture R&D Consortium of Ghent University, the Norwegian University of Science and Technology and SINTEF Ocean have joined again in the organizing committee for larvi’24 and are inviting the academic as well as the private sector to attend the 8th Fish and Shellfish Larviculture Symposium.

Bringing together European and non-European stakeholders, the latest progress in academic research and the production sector will be reviewed, problems identified and avenues for future collaboration explored.

The event will take place from September 9-12, 2024 at the “De Grote Post” in the city center of Ostend, Belgium. The official opening session and reception will take place on September 9 and the scientific sessions will be held from September 10-12. The first conference of the International Artemia Aquaculture Consortium (IAAC) will be organized on September 9.

The tentative program will have the following sessions:

  • SESSION I. BROODSTOCK MANAGEMENT, MATURATION AND SPAWNING: Zootechniques, nutrition, egg and larval quality, domestication, sperm quality, genetics, germplasm preservation, genomics and proteomics, transgenics and GMOs, etc.
  • SESSION II. DEVELOPMENTAL BIOLOGY AND DEFORMITIES: Ontogeny, developmental biology, behavior, etc.
  • SESSION III. LARVAL NUTRITION: Nutritional requirements, feeding schemes, live food and its substitutes, etc.
  • SESSION IV. LARVICULTURE AT COMMERCIAL SCALE: Culture systems, automation, environmental requirements, socio-economic aspects, etc.
  • SESSION V. DISEASE PREVENTION, PATHOGEN CONTROL, BIOSECURITY AND HEALTH: Prebiotics, probiotics, diseases and pathogens, microbial management, viral and bacterial challenge tests, vaccination, phage therapy, etc.

Deadline for abstract submissions is January 15, 2024. Submit the title and a ten-line summary of the contribution (paper or poster) here. Accepted contributions will be notified before March 15, 2024.

Those interested in attending larvi 2024 are requested to fill in and return the pre-registration form here, to receive further updates on the conference.

The larvi banquet will take place on September 13 in the Venetian galleries of Ostend. Sponsorship is also available.

More detailed information and the final program will be announced in spring 2024 to those who have returned the pre-registration form. Detailed information will also gradually become available on the symposium website For more information, contact the conference secretariat at